
The sky is reminiscent of a summer when the ripening of mangoes and blossoming of flowers was all one could dream about. When lazing around with your loved ones in the beautiful evening breeze was an act one rarely cherished and hugs were given out mindlessly.
Loving was easier.

This summer, something has changed. The bright oranges and pinks and baby blues of the sky feel lighter. Muted. Pastel. As if the world has quietened. As if this is the calm after a raging storm. As if this summer is the most important one yet. Our summer collection, FRIDA, is an homage to the new Indian Summer — one where peace and calm are all one craves. The light and serene pastel palate is an intention to bring about the same summer feeling, but to dial up the colour slowly, as if being more careful than ever.

The silhouettes are comfortable and give your soul a hug with their easygoing flares and beautiful, flowy form. From subtle block prints to the cool embrace of cotton, this collection is one that is sure to breathe life into your days.

“The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been,
and all the memories we’ve made along the way.”

“One must maintain a little bit of summer,
even in the middle of winter”

- Henry David Thoreau